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Historical Heroine

Eugenie GoldsternHHBLogHistorical HeroinesHPBlog

Eugenie Goldstern

Eugenie Goldstern Eugenie Goldstern (1884-1942) Austrian ethnographic photographer and anthropologist Eugenie Goldstern was born into a large Jewish family in Odessa, but moved to Austria in 1905 where she began studying anthropology at the University of Vienna in 1910. She created the first ever monograph of a community when she spent a…
Becky Handley
13th November 2020
Tina ModottiFeaturedHHBLogHPBlog

Tina Modotti

With her camera, Tina Modotti presents a distinctive vision of 1920s Mexico. As a Hollywood actress turned Comintern agent, Modotti used photography as an artistic and political outlet.
Becky Handley
5th August 2020