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Podcast Video Film Festival Women in Film

Explore our podcast, video and film festival libraries

Dive into the world of our Heroines by watching or listening them discuss their craft. Over the past years we have had the pleasure of sitting down with leading women in photography; whether that’s on The VOICES Podcast or in front of the public in our many panels and discussions. Look and listen out for more coming in the future …

Film Festival

At the beginning of the pandemic, we enlisted the help of Heroine Lisl Ponger to curate a weekly film festival to help fend off the boredom…


Panel discussions, tête-à-têtes and workshops; tour our library of videos that will inspire and educate…

Image: © Etinosa Yvonne


Tune into our podcasts and learn about women in photography from women in photography.

Women In Film

Alongside celebrating Women in Photography, we also salute the women making strides in film. From pioneering filmmakers to Oscar winners; take a look at the inspiring stories below…

Ana Mendieta. Untitled

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta was a Cuban-American performance artist, filmmaker, sculptor, and painter known for her ‘earth-body’ artwork....

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Virtual Galleries

Continue the feast for your eyes and check out our online exhibitions! We aim to make great art more easily available to everyone.

Forthcoming Events

Make sure you register for our upcoming events with Heroines! Learn about their careers and practice and join the discussion.


Help us grow our libraries by donating today. You can sponsor an episode of our podcast and help raise the voices of women in photography.