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In response to our call out for artists to experiment by incorporating an offspring of the Gloucestershire SCOBY into their practice, fine art photographer, Rita Long, has risen to the challenge....

A State of Flux

Calling young photographers in Gloucestershire... Take on the challenge this summer and unleash your inner Fluxus artist!...

SCOBYologist Challenge

The recent warm weather has spurted the growth of our SCOBY and we have lots of babies to give away.   For those who love the vibrant intersection of art and science, the SCOBYologist challenge beckons!...

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Don Durito and the Master Narrative

‘The calendar is made up of the past, for those at the top. So that it will stay that way, the powerful fill it up with statues, holidays, museums, homages, parades. That all serves the purpose of keeping the past in place; where things have already happened and not where they will…
16th June 2020

Visual Marshmallows

We’re excited to welcome you to our new platform IG: @visualmarshmallows where we’ll be highlighting the best of your visual responses to our Marshmallow Challenges. The Marshmallow Challenges will be based on images in our online exhibition, Cabinet of Remedies, and also our Online Film Festival. We look forward to seeing your responses,…
Del Barrett
9th June 2020