Exhibition by Ally Goff. Based on my own experience of “the change” this selection of photographs documents this story, told through memories and the re-enactment of symptoms, emotional experiences and traumas encountered throughout my menopausal journey.
Gloucester, 26.08.23: Join author Rachel Harris-Gardiner for a book signing, conversation and readings from Speed Queens: A Secret History of Women in Motorsport.
Exhibition: Photography & more from Girls Allied. A small exhibition displaying the artwork from our Girls Allied July programme. Cutting Through Barriers shows what it means to be a teenage girl in these ongoing times of uncertainty.
Capricci (2007 – 2017) is a series of “hybrid spaces” created by double exposures in analogue photography from Austrian artist Crisfor. The installation comprises a screening of images, with an accompanying podcast, texts and prints; the book of the series is on display to browse.
New Date: We’re ecstatic that archaeologist Anna Morris is returning to lead our next free Glostorama! Photo Walk on 29th July 2023, Starting at the Gloucester Heritage Hub at 11:00am
We’re delighted to announce custodianship of the archive of Felicia Cronin. We came to know Felicia as an executrix of the estate of Elisabeth Buchmeyer-Lewis (whose archive was accessioned to our Collection in 2022), and only discovered recently that she is also a photographer.