We’re excited to welcome you to our new platform IG: @visualmarshmallows where we’ll be highlighting the best of your visual responses to our Marshmallow Challenges. The Marshmallow Challenges will be based on images in our online exhibition, Cabinet of Remedies, and also our Online Film Festival. We look forward to seeing your responses,…
Del Barrett9th June 2020

#StaySafe The Coronavirus pandemic is affecting us all in some shape or form, and as a small organisation, we don’t have substantial resources to support those whose lives and livelihoods are under threat. But, as Angela Merkel once said: “A good compromise is one where everybody makes a contribution.” Here is our…
PlanetHeroines22nd April 2020

Become a Founding Friend and receive a unique zerogram from Ellen Carey.
Del Barrett28th December 2019