A Sea of Stories
Step behind the scenes to see the making of "A Sea of Stories" by Lisl Ponger - Scheherazade is the heroine of the piece!...
Lisl Ponger is a Vienna-based visual artist whose work concerns stereotypes, racism, and the construction of the gaze. Through her photography, film, and installations, Lisl works across a variety of disciplines including visual art, art history, and ethnography. Most recently, she joined forces with Hundred Heroines to curate a weekly online film festival covering an eclectic range of topics. The film festivals – which started at the onset of the Covid-19 lockdowns in March 2020 – cover a broad range of topics from robots, LGBTQ+ rights, and violence against women. The common thread throughout these diverse topics is that the short films are always made by, or are about, women.
Although Lisl has explored multiple aesthetic approaches throughout her long career, her most recent focus is on staged photography. Lisl describes the process of creating a staged photograph as “making a Hollywood movie in one day”, with all the same elements of a feature film, but on a smaller scale. Dancing on Thin Ice is Lisl’s latest work; the photograph depicts a curator unpacking for an exhibition whilst encircled by replicas of stolen goods.
Restitution of stolen objects is a theme which Lisl has come back to often in her work. She has taken inspiration from figures such as Indiana Jones, and the French novelist and Minister of Cultural Affairs Andre Malraux, to discuss the longstanding tradition of keeping plundered artwork in Western museums. She has been working on a project titled MuKulMuseum: The Museum für fremde und vertraute Kulturen [Museum for Foreign and Familiar Cultures]. A culmination of her artistic interests, this work has allowed her to exhibit her series Indian(er) Jones I – V and The Master Narrative in Salzburg and Vienna, maintaining the expansive influence of her practice.
By Enez Nathié
Still Life with Cheshire Cat © Lisl Ponger. Read the creative responses in our Cabinet of Remedies. Postcards available in our shop.
Step behind the scenes to see the making of "A Sea of Stories" by Lisl Ponger - Scheherazade is the heroine of the piece!...
In another exciting open access session, we explored a different technique for creating panels for the Great Train Tapestry: printing photographs onto fabric!...
Phase I of the Great Train Tapestry’s creation has now reached its close and thanks to the creative guidance of Lisl Ponger, we continue our process with a solid foundation of ideas and an established vision for the project’s next steps!...
Following our series of workshops led by international artist Lisl Ponger, we have now progressed to the making stage of this tapestry....
Gloucester: Introducing the Great Train Tapestry …free workshops with Lisl Ponger...
Gloucester: Introducing the Great Train Tapestry … an exciting new contemporary artwork...
At the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic we enlisted the help of Heroine Lisl Ponger to fend off the boredom. We have had the honour of a weekly online film festival for 52 weeks during 2020/21. We travelled the world, visited many...
‘The calendar is made up of the past, for those at the top. So that it will stay that way, the powerful fill it up with statues, holidays, museums, homages, parades. That all serves the purpose of keeping the past in place; where...
Daily, Friday 26th August to Monday 29th August in the Glo Lounge. The effects of the colonial project and its relevance today told through first day covers...
Heroine Lisl Ponger explores the eurocentricity of museum collections in new installation, on show at Das Weisse Haus, Vienna until July 3 2021....