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Azadeh AkhlaghiWe're in the News!

Seznam Zprávy

Hundred + Heroines is a British charity focused on raising awareness of women photographers. Earlier this week, the organization added another 50 inspirational photographers to its list. Take a look at the work of nine of them.
10th January 2021
Let's DanceFilm Festival

Let’s Dance

Week 39, Let's Dance : Let’s celebrate this locked-down New Year’s Eve by dancing away the end of 2020. There are dances here for everyone, traditional, classical, hip hop or vogueing, your choice.
31st December 2020
SandwichedFilm Festival


Week 38, Sandwiched; A programme that begins and ends with the making of a sandwich seems not only an apt way to bookend a programme about food, but perhaps also serves as a comment on our present way of life: sandwiched between the inside and outside, between lockdown and social distancing, between…
24th December 2020
The Reality CheckFilm Festival

Reality Check

Week 37, Reality Check : Compare the film programme from week 16 with the programme from week 36. The 20 weeks between them include the beginning of the first lockdown and the battle against the second wave of the Covi19 pandemic, between the The Isolation Experiment and Reality Check.
17th December 2020
Christmas Playlist; images shows Santa leaving giftsAdvent Calendar 2020

12th December

It's the time of the year when the world just seems to be a little kinder, a little warmer in Spirit and a little cosier at home.  The lights, the decorations add to the ambience, but there's nothing quite like a Christmas music playlist to set the tone.
11th December 2020