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Photo London 2022

Open to the public from 12th - 15th May, this year’s Photo London will bring together some of the most groundbreaking work in contemporary photography, as well as paying tribute to the pioneers of the past.
10th May 2022
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Timelines: Jananne Al-Ani

One of the leading women in photography, Jananne Al-Ani is an Iraqi-born photographer and filmmaker living in London. Her latest work, Timelines, is currently being exhibited at Towner Eastbourne, alongside Bringing to Light - an exhibition curated by Jananne herself.
6th May 2022
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Bessie Rayner Parkes

My name is Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon. I am a mid-19th century feminist and women's rights activist. I also co-founded the English Woman's Journal in 1858 with my dear friend Bessie Rayner Parkes. Today, I thought of telling you all a bit more about her.
25th April 2022