Anti Violence

Violence against women takes many forms; leading women photographers are raising awareness and campaigning for an end to violence and abuse through their work. We have a permanent display of books, objects and images that highlights just how widespread these crimes are.

Knife Rose

Garden of Positivity

Anti Violence Display

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We Cry in Silence

Smita Sharma's book "We Cry in Silence" investigates the widespread issue of trafficking minors for sex between Bangladesh, Nepal and India.

16 Days of Activism 2024

16 days of activism against gender-based violence.

16 Days of Activism Book List 2024

A book recommendation a day for the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. Lobby your library to stock these books.

16 Days of Activism 2023

Throughout the 16 days of activism, we have posted about the work of women photographers who are highlighting violence against women in its many different forms, read their stories here.

Garden of Positivity

Although the Knife Angel has departed, our creative anti-violence activities for young people continue.

Anti-Violence Gallery

A gallery of selected images supporting the Anti Violence Campaign

Knife Angel: Young Creatives

For the month of February, in support of the Knife Angel’s month in Gloucester, as part of its National Anti-Violence tour, and the Knife Rose at the Heroines Quarter, we're running art activities in our Creative Canvas space. 
Red glass rose

Knife Rose: Renate Bertlmann

To coincide with the arrival of the Knife Angel – the National Monument for Serious Violence - we have acquired a Knife Rose, thanks to the support of the Stronger, Safer Gloucester Partnership

16 Days of Activism 2022

16 days of activism for the elimination of violence against women

Donna Ferrato – Holy

In 2020, legendary photographer Donna Ferrato published Holy – a 50-year journey across the United States in pursuit of women’s political, emotional, and sexual liberation.
They Said We Are Their Slaves @ Smita Sharma

Choosing to Challenge Representation of Survivors of Abuse

As part of International Women's Day 2021, Hundred Heroines looks at photographer Smita Sharma's work with survivors of abuse
I Am Unbeatable Film Festival


Week 34, I am Unbeatable, This programme is about violence against women – violence against minority groups, domestic violence, human trafficking, child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM) and femicide. The problem knows no geographical borders, race or class boundaries, it is embedded in the power structure and inequalities of patriarchal society.