For the month of February, in support of the Knife Angel’s month in Gloucester, as part of its National Anti-Violence tour, and the Knife Rose at the Heroines Quarter, we're running art activities in our Creative Canvas space.
Del Barrett30th January 2023
Heroines Quarter at the Eastgate Centre, Gloucester. Come and join us for our creative improvisation sessions over half-term
Del Barrett22nd October 2022
This task is to inspire creativity and empathy by understanding what it may feel like to leave their homes, this can encourage students to understand the hardships some families go through. By linking it back to their own interpretations of traveling to a new planet - students can choose any emotion to…
PlanetHeroines20th March 2022
This task is to inspire creativity through a lens of social and environmental activism. By learning about the work of a leading women in photography, this can inspire new channels of self-expression and how you can visually tell a story
PlanetHeroines20th March 2022
This task is to inspire creativity and story-telling. It is also designed to generate conversation around immigration and empathy. Students should work in collaborative groups to create exciting stories while encouraging good presentation skills.
PlanetHeroines17th March 2022