Historical HeroinesHPBlogLHBlog Constance Stuart Larrabee Constance Stuart Larrabee was remarkable on many levels, from owning her own photography studio to photographing from war zonesGabby Kynoch15th February 2020
Historical HeroinesHPBlogLHBlog Mary Ellen Mark Mary Ellen Mark was a highly esteemed and accredited photographer with a specific interest in capturing 1960s countercultureGabby Kynoch11th February 2020
HHBLogHistorical HeroinesHPBlogLHBlog Lola Álvarez Bravo As one of the first successful Mexican women photographers, Lola Álvarez Bravo was celebrated in her nation for her worksGabby Kynoch3rd February 2020
Featured Cry Sadness into the Coming Rain Margaret Courtney-Clarke shares her images from her return to Namibia.Del Barrett6th January 2020
2019 EventsHeroinic Stories Margaret Courtney-Clarke Shortlisted for the 2019 Prix Pictet, Margaret Courtney-Clarke talks about her work since her return to her homeland in Namibia.Del Barrett4th January 2020
FeaturedInitiative Ženy ve fotografii To celebrate the centenary of women's suffrage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, we'll be featuring heroines from the region over the next year.Del Barrett3rd January 2020
Featured Bearing Witness Azadeh Akhlaghi re-creates of some of Iran’s most notorious death scenes.Del Barrett13th December 2019
Heroinic StoriesIWD2024 Isadora Kosofsky Isadora Kosofsky's work forces us to ask questions about the systems - health, care and penalPlanetHeroines12th December 2019
Front PageHHBLogHistorical Heroines Marion Palfi Marion Palfi was a German American social documentary photographer, focusing on discrimination and civil rights within AmericaGabby Kynoch2nd March 2019
Front PageHHBLogHistorical HeroinesLHBlog Rose Mandel The work of Rose Mandel shows a variety of dreamlike, symbolistic and abstract expressionistic images, charged with subtle meaningsGabby Kynoch2nd March 2019