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Ursula Pariser

Born in Berlin, Ursula Pariser studied in London at the Reimann School of Art and Design before embarking on an illustrious career as educator and photographer.  Whilst head of photography at the Courtauld Institute of Art, she acted as special art adviser to the Queen.
Del Barrett
1st June 2022
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Bessie Rayner Parkes

My name is Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon. I am a mid-19th century feminist and women's rights activist. I also co-founded the English Woman's Journal in 1858 with my dear friend Bessie Rayner Parkes. Today, I thought of telling you all a bit more about her.
25th April 2022
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Bertha Wehnert-Beckmann

During my time, I witnessed Germany’s last emperor Wilhelm II outline a role for women, which was later adopted by the Nazis: Kirche, Küche, Kinder. This translates as ‘church, kitchen and children’ -- three words that seemed to sum up the entirety of a woman’s life.
25th April 2022