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To inspire those interested in discovering more, we’re organising a series of talks and workshops with a selection of Heroines. Delve into the practice of a professional photographer whose work relates to street photography, urban photography and more.
By offering expert tips from professional women photographers, you’ll get the opportunity to not only feel inspired but also learn some practical knowledge in photography along the way.
If there’s a particular topic you’d like to see covered, drop us a line:

Historic walk with Anna Morris
New Date: We’re ecstatic that archaeologist Anna Morris is returning to lead our next free Glostorama! Photo Walk on 29th July 2023, Starting at the Gloucester Heritage Hub at 11:00am...

Glostorama – Historic Walking Tour
Meet-Up : Sunday, May 8, 2022 - 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. We're delighted that Anna Morris, archaeologist will be leading our next, free public Glostorama! photography walk....

Polly Braden on Photographing the Streets and its People
Recorded Talk: Polly Braden discussed the approaches to photography, collaboration and her latest series....

Mapping the Landscapes – Online Photography Talk
Join photographer Dr Yan Wang Preston for a talk on 'mapping' as method in photography, as part of Glostorama! Photographing Gloucester, street by street....

Free photo walk around the Docks – Glostorama!
Nov 21, 10am | You're invited to join our Hundred Heroines community and to join the first photo walk in the heart of Gloucester......

Free photo walk around Gloucester – Glostorama!
You're invited to join our Hundred Heroines community and to join the first photo walk in the heart of Gloucester......