Exhibition: Photography & more from Girls Allied. A small exhibition displaying the artwork from our Girls Allied July programme. Cutting Through Barriers shows what it means to be a teenage girl in these ongoing times of uncertainty.
Del Barrett20th July 2023

A new initiative for teenage girls! Do you want to meet people? See the world differently? Create art for activism? Then Girls Allied is for you! Starts Saturday 3rd June: 13:00 – 16:00
PlanetHeroines22nd May 2023

Although the Knife Angel has departed, our creative anti-violence activities for young people continue.
PlanetHeroines24th March 2023

For the month of February, in support of the Knife Angel’s month in Gloucester, as part of its National Anti-Violence tour, and the Knife Rose at the Heroines Quarter, we're running art activities in our Creative Canvas space.
Del Barrett30th January 2023

Heroines Quarter at the Eastgate Centre, Gloucester. Come and join us for our creative improvisation sessions over half-term
Del Barrett22nd October 2022