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Film Festival

On Racism

Notes: George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis sparked huge anti-racist demonstrations in most of the western world protesting discrimination and police violence. This programme questions the definition of race, shows how racism is based on false premises and who profits from it. ‘They're talkin' 'bout a revolution’ sings Tracy Chapman, US-American singer-songwriter and…
18th June 2020
FeaturedFront Page

Don Durito and the Master Narrative

‘The calendar is made up of the past, for those at the top. So that it will stay that way, the powerful fill it up with statues, holidays, museums, homages, parades. That all serves the purpose of keeping the past in place; where things have already happened and not where they will…
16th June 2020
Film Festival


Week 9, The USA, a state founded on forcefully expropriating land from its Native American inhabitants and exploiting that land using slave labour, has always had a problem with institutionally embedded racism and state violence aimed at maintaining the power of the wealthy.
11th June 2020
Front Page

How Do We Respond?

As a cultural organisation, how do we respond to and acknowledge the pain and injustice felt by individuals and communities facing on-going racial violence?
4th June 2020
Film Festival


Week 8 : This programme will show how women (singers, monarchs, seamstresses or peasant women) can greatly improve our lives and living conditions by resisting, fighting back, standing up or raising their voices.
4th June 2020
Film Festival

Hair Stories

Week 7, An iconic excerpt from the 1979 film Hair introduces the content of this programme. Different Hair Stories will be told, a subject on many people’s mind at home in quarantine.
28th May 2020
Film Festival

The Ambassadors

Week 5: The programme The Ambassadors challenges heteronormative gender categories and heterosexuality as the social standard and explores a shift towards diversity as the norm.
14th May 2020