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Advent Calendar 2020

3rd December

Have you found your ‘peace’ of art? By Ashley Brown Put down the cake, it turns out happiness really is a piece of art. Before you roll your eyes and tell me you are yet to find a painting more satisfying than your lemon drizzle, hear me out. I never considered myself…
1st December 2020
I Am Unbeatable Film FestivalAnti-Violence ProjectsFilm FestivalMalevolence


Week 34, I am Unbeatable, This programme is about violence against women – violence against minority groups, domestic violence, human trafficking, child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM) and femicide. The problem knows no geographical borders, race or class boundaries, it is embedded in the power structure and inequalities of patriarchal society.
26th November 2020
This is meFilm FestivalPride 2024

This Is Me

Week 33, This is me : What seems so obvious—taken for granted even—that people should live as who they are is the result of a historical struggle as well as being an ongoing one.
19th November 2020
Upside Down WorldFilm Festival

Upside Down World

Week 32, Upside Down World, Strange times make for strange programmes. Follow this one associatively through an upside down world, a world that had once seemed solid and is turning out to be quite undependable.
12th November 2020
Houses and BlousesFilm Festival

Houses and Blouses

Week 30, Houses and Blouses. Patterns and ornaments on houses or garments can be more than just repeated lines, shapes and colours. In many traditional societies the painted, woven or embroidered symbols pass on traditional knowledge.
29th October 2020
Film Festival


Week 29, Experimental - We are used to the language of feature films. Experimental film challenges this make-believe reality by going back to the material itself, exploring  its components such as filmic time, the possibility of making 24 decisions per second (Peter Kubelka), the frame and its borders, light and shadow, the…
22nd October 2020