Online Film Festival – A weekly programme of films made by, or about, women.
Before COVID-19 hit, we were in discussions with Lisl Ponger, a Vienna based visual artist and film-maker, about curating a mini film festival for us. And, of course, we’ve pressed the pause button.
But Lisl has responded to the challenge of the new way of life by curating a virtual festival for us, with a different programme each week.

Image © Lisl Ponger
Dear Audience,
I am writing to you from my Viennese workroom, healthy, as I hope you are too, where I spend most of the time.
Here are a few general notes about the programme of the online women’s film festival. I am starting with what I call Prologue to be followed by a new programme every Thursday evening.
Programmes will consist of 2 to 5 films of different genres (art films, experimental films, docus, animation films, music clips …) by or about women from different ages, times and continents and perhaps also an occasional full length feature film. There may be a mixture of works, as in Prologue, or a programme dedicated to a specific topic or a particular film maker. The programmes will stay online so one can go back to them, but please take into account that a film might have been deleted at source in the meantime.
Each programme will be accompanied by information notes on the film makers.
I would like to thank everybody who kept (and keeps) me supplied with their film recommendations (Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll, Naoko Kaltschmidt, Jo Sundholm, Julian Sharp, Katharina Wolf, Constanze Ruhm, Tim Sharp, Jeannine Baillieu, Ludovica Fales and Susanne Gamauf).
And special thanks to all the artists and film makers who have given their work to the public domain* and so made it possible for us to watch them. Very special thanks to Del Barrett, who invited me to undertake this very interesting and enjoyable task which I hope, dear audience, you will find as interesting and enjoyable as I did putting these programmes together.
All the best, stay safe
Lisl Ponger