GWR Bootcamp Exhibition
Now showing at Gloucester, Stroud, Stonehouse and Cam & Dursley railway stations. If you visit, why not take a selfie and tag #HundredHeroines on social media
Creative Bootcamp 2022/3
We held our first Bootcamp in 2020, in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, as a two-week online programme. Over the years, the scope and duration of Bootcamp has widened offering participants varied creative opportunities.
The 2022/23 Bootcamp, in partnership with GWR, started in November 2022. The first phase included theory sessions on art, activism and identity. The second phase comprised a series of practical sessions on portraiture, gallery and archive visits around London and Oxford to look at exhibitions on portrait photography, and intensive workshops with acclaimed photographers, including Laura El-Tantawy and Jillian Edelstein.
”Bootcamp has been a brilliant experience. The weekly sessions really made me think about new ways to use photography to explore creative themes. I loved the exhibition trips and it was great to spend time with such a wonderfully creative group of women!
Interested in joining the next Bootcamp?
Email or pop into the gallery and talk to one of the Hundred Heroines team.
This project was made possible through the generous support of
the GWR Community Fund & Canon

Thanks to all those involved in Bootcamp
from the photographers to the HH team and to everyone who just made the project fun!
Amal T, Anna W, Aysha R, Carrie S, Emmie W, Erica L, Faatimah B, Freya B, Hardeep G, Harriet H, Jane K, Karen P, Katherine R, Laura H, Leia R, Lizzie H, Maddie B, Natalie S, Rachel H, Shyama L, Susie M, Tia C, Vanessa C, Veronica R, Victoria C