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Artivism Pod

By 5th April 2023April 14th, 2023No Comments


A dedicated pod for art, activism, photography and protest

Items from the Collection, related to protest, alongside protest art created by workshop participants and a complaints board inspired by the Guerrilla Girls.  We provide all the materials, as well as books and objects for inspiration.  And if you’re not inclined to create your own protest art, then we also have a selection of short films to watch.

“You can’t expect one thing to make a difference, but if you keep doing it and chipping away, over time you can make a difference.” (Guerrilla Girls from The Art of Complaining)

Collection Items

Hannah Höch

Poster from 2010 Berlin Exhibition depicting Hannah Höch, Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada Through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany, collage, mixed media, 1919–1920 (Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen, Berlin).

Laura El-Tantawy

The newspapers on display here are a memento of a historic chapter in Egypt’s contemporary political history, when President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak stepped down (12.02.11) from nearly 30 years in power after thousands of Egyptians persistently took to the streets for 18 consecutive days calling for “Bread, Freedom, Social Justice.”

Guerrilla Girls

The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist
Tea towel of one of the Guerrilla Girls’ best known posters.  We also have books, posters and postcards from the Guerrilla Girls on display.