Creative Bootcamp
Running from November 2022 to March 2023
Ever wanted to improve your photography skills? See your city from a different perspective? Understand more about contemporary art? Then this is the right time to sign up to our Creative Bootcamp! Thanks to the GWR Community Fund, we have more places for women in Gloucester to join the next programme.
This is a two-part programme. Part 1 (November and December) focuses on the transformational powers of art, the chance to try different creative activities, from photography to collage, and development of the artistic eye. It will also include optional field trips within Gloucester and beyond and the chance to meet some of the world’s leading contemporary women artists.
Part 2 (January – March) will be a series of practical workshops, where you’ll receive support and training in the technical skills and the chance to have your work exhibited, not only in Gloucester, but in the county and further afield. You’ll be surrounded by a supportive group of other women, and you’ll all be learning together.
Workshops take place on Thursdays (11:00 – 13:00) and are repeated on Sundays (14:00 – 16:00) and refreshments will be provided.
You don’t have to pay anything – the training, the materials and the field trips are free. All you’ll need are your imagination and your enthusiasm!
Interested? Then fill in the contact box below and we’ll take it from there. Want to know a bit more first? Email hello@hundredheroines.org and ask away or attend one of our open days on 3rd or 6th November (just drop in to the Heroines Quarter between 12:00 and 16:00).
We also have a limited number of travel bursaries to cover the costs of attending these workshops. If you would like to know more, please email hello@hundredheroines.org.
Workshop Dates
Part 1 (November, December 2022)
10th November (repeated 13th November) – Introduction
17th November (repeated 20th November) – Art & Activism
24th November (repeated 27th November) – Creative improvisation
1st December (repeated 4th December) – Self & Identity
8th December (repeated 11th December) – Art & Place
15th December (repeated 18th December) – Telling stories through objects
During the introductory session, participants will have the chance to choose the field trips they’d like to make.
Part 2 (January, February, March 2023)
12th January (repeated 15th January) – Introduction to Part 2 – Portraiture
19th January (repeated 22nd January) – Techniques and lighting
26th January (repeated 29th January) – Experimenting in the studio
February – working in the field
Dates to be arranged around participant and subject availability.
March – exhibition preparation
All participants will have a voice in the planning final exhibition decision
This project is made possible through the generous support of
the GWR Community Fund & Canon