Featured Cry Sadness into the Coming Rain Margaret Courtney-Clarke shares her images from her return to Namibia.Del Barrett6th January 2020
2020 EventsFeatured Talking Photobooks We're launching a series of Talking Photobooks, inspired by Alexa Faeber's initiative. This session is now fully booked.Del Barrett4th January 2020
2019 EventsHeroinic Stories Margaret Courtney-Clarke Shortlisted for the 2019 Prix Pictet, Margaret Courtney-Clarke talks about her work since her return to her homeland in Namibia.Del Barrett4th January 2020
FeaturedInitiative Ženy ve fotografii To celebrate the centenary of women's suffrage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, we'll be featuring heroines from the region over the next year.Del Barrett3rd January 2020
Featured Own a Unique Zerogram Become a Founding Friend and receive a unique zerogram from Ellen Carey.Del Barrett28th December 2019
FeatExFeatured Joana Choumali Wins Prix Pictet Joana Choumali, one of the Hundred Heroines, wins 2019 Prix Pictet.Del Barrett17th December 2019
Featured Bearing Witness Azadeh Akhlaghi re-creates of some of Iran’s most notorious death scenes.Del Barrett13th December 2019
2019 EventsHeroinic Stories Julia Horbaschk It was a great honour to host the first public screening of Julia Horbaschk’s film Death by Supernova, and if you weren’t able to attend, you can now view the film here. Three writers responded to the film and their responses are shown below.Del Barrett15th July 2019
2019 EventsHeroinic Stories Geoff Nicholson on Lisl Ponger’s The Master Narrative and Don Durito Geoff Nicholson reviews the Chelsea screening of Lisl Ponger's The Master Narrative and Don Durito.Del Barrett12th July 2019
2019 EventsNoticeboardPreHHzKCAW-2019 Representation on the Line: Photography Critique and Conversation An afternoon of critique and conversation led by Gisela Torres.Del Barrett11th July 2019