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Ashley Brown

Ashley Brown

Ashley is a London based author and writing coach. Turning her back on a career in law led her to becoming a notorious jobslut, inspiring her first book, published in 2018. She has completed various writing courses with Michelle Danner in LA and Faber & Faber.

The Sugar Game is her second novel. She believes a sense of humor is the only seatbelt required for a creative life, pursued with infectious optimism. Her writing is inspired by the rollercoaster of life, fueled by coffee and an insatiable sweet tooth.

Advent Calendar 2022

2nd December

What is creativity? I love this question it conjures up a different answer for everyone. Essentially it is the use of our greatest gift, the imagination. Many of us never fully unwrap it. We leave it under the tree of real life for when we have more time.
2nd December 2022
19th DecemberAdvent Calendar 2020

19th December

Today we’re celebrating Caturday with an interview with Alice Hawthorn (@dogsdogscatsdogs)! Volunteer, Ashley Brown, has sat down with the pet illustrator whose instagram is filled with expressive pets in line drawings, sketches and watercolour among other mediums. So today, take yourself away from the stressful news, lockdown restrictions and Christmas planning to…
Del Barrett
17th December 2020
10th DecemberAdvent Calendar 2020

10th December

Let out your inner artist “Creativity is your wild side calling” What is creativity? I love this question it conjures up a different answer for everyone. Essentially it is the use of our greatest gift, the imagination. Many of us never fully unwrap it. We leave it under the tree of real…
Del Barrett
8th December 2020
Advent Calendar 2020

3rd December

Have you found your ‘peace’ of art? By Ashley Brown Put down the cake, it turns out happiness really is a piece of art. Before you roll your eyes and tell me you are yet to find a painting more satisfying than your lemon drizzle, hear me out. I never considered myself…
1st December 2020