EMULSIVE is a space for film photographers of all backgrounds to share their knowledge, experience and thoughts about everything related to film photography.
On their website, you will find a host of film stock and camera reviews, how-tos, as well as essays, photo stories and thought pieces from a network of super-talented and enthusiastic film photographers. You’ll also find the fortnightly EMULSIVE Interview: a series of interviews with film photographers the world over. On top of all that, they manage a network of active communities on social media; and create and help support various film-related events throughout the year.
EMULSIVE comes from a contraction of “EMULSion is emotIVE“, although the word itself conveniently also describes a substance that can be made into an emulsion – unexpected but nice!
It also has a nice feel to it and rolls nicely off the tongue, don’t you think?

Here, they share their daily Nominations for RPS100Heroines
Holga Week
No 13 of ~1 per day until Sep 28, I’m nominating founder of #HolgaWeek, @HolgaJen for @RPS100Heroines.
Here’s her #EMULSIVE interview: https://emulsive.org/interviews/i-am-jennifer-henriksen-and-this-is-why-i-shoot-film
Holga Week
No 13 of ~1 per day until Sep 28, I’m nominating founder of #HolgaWeek, @HolgaJen for @RPS100Heroines.
Here’s her #EMULSIVE interview: https://emulsive.org/interviews/i-am-jennifer-henriksen-and-this-is-why-i-shoot-film
Corinne Perry
No.12 of ~1 per day until Sep 28, I’m nominating @Corinne_Perry for @RPS100Heroines. Corrine explores traumatic memories and emotions through her photography, partly inspired by Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Paper.
Her (NSFW) #EMULSIVE interview: https://emulsive.org/interviews/i-am-corinne-perry-and-this-is-why-i-shoot-film-nsfw
Lore Healy
For @RPS100Heroines. Photographer, mentor and multi-award-winning poet and writer, Lorraine if a fountain of creativity and support for the community.
Here’s her #EMULSIVE interview: https://emulsive.org/interviews/interview-97-i-am-lorraine-healy-and-this-is-why-i-shoot-film
Aislinn Chuahiock
No. 10 of ~1 per day until Sept 28. I’m nominating @aisbaby for @RPS100Heroines. Film photographer, mentor, and a crucial part of the growing film photography movement in the Philippines.
Here’s her #EMULSIVE interview: https://emulsive.org/interviews/interview-145-i-am-aislinn-chuahiock-and-this-is-why-i-shoot-film
Shikha Makan
The 9th of ~1 per day until Sep 28, I’m nominating @shikhamakan for @RPS100Heroines. Photographer, filmmaker, her current project explores the idea of freedom for single women facing housing discrimination in Mumbai.
Here’s Shikha’s #Emulsive interview: I am Shikha Makan and this is why I shoot film
Sheena She
The 8th of 1 per day until Sep 28, I’m nominating Sheena She (@thefilmbruja on IG) for @RPS100Heroines. Sheena’s a retired make-up artist, has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and penchant for fashion and music photography.
Here’s Sheena’s #Emulsive interview: I am Sheena She and this is why I shoot film
Lilly Schwartz
The 7th of 1 per day until Sept 28th, I’m nominating @blaurebell for @RPS100Heroines. Cofounder of @sheshootsfilm, creator, hardware hacker, and serial documentatian, it’s hard to know where to start.
Here’s Lilly’s #Emulsive interview: I am Lilly Schwartz and this is why I shoot film
Lisa Toboz
The 6th of 1 per day until Sept 28th, I’m nominating @lisatoboz for @RPS100Heroines. Polaroid photographer extraordinare, cancer survivor and serial creative. Check out “Dwell”.
Here’s her #Emulsive interview: I am Lisa Toboz and this is why I shoot film
Daphne Schnitzer
The 5th of 1 per day until Sept 28th, I’m nominating Daphne Schnitzer for @RPS100Heroines. Daphne creates amazing pinhole seascape and riverscape photography.
Here’s her #Emulsive interview: I am Daphne Schnitzer and this is why I shoot film
Amy Jasek
The 4th of 1 per day until Sept 28th, I’m nominating Amy Jasek (@amyjasek on IG) for @RPS100Heroines. Amy is a talented photographer and tirelessly works to strengthen and support the community through @film_shooters & @sheshootsfilm.
Here’s her #Emulsive interview: I am Amy Jasek and this is why I shoot film
Yan Wang Preston
The 3rd of 1 per day until Sept 28th, I’m nominating @YanWangPreston for @RPS100Heroines. British-Chinese large format photographer, traveler and documentarian.
Here’s her #Emulsive interview: I am Yan Wang Preston and this is why I shoot film
Abigail Crone
The 2nd of 1 per day until Sept 28th, I’m nominating Abigail Crone (@0abigailnightingale0 on IG) for @RPS100Heroines. She’s curator of the @film_shooters Collective Polaroid feed and a vocal advocate of analogue photography.
Here’s her #Emulsive interview: I am Abigail Crone and this is why I shoot film
Maite Pons
The first of ~1 per day until Sept 28th, I’m nominating @PonsMaite for @RPS100Heroines. Beautifully executed, her photography captures the essence of her children’s lives.