Zero Tolerance. Working to end men’s violence against women.
Photography exhibition at Stills, Cockburn Street, exploring forms of violence against women that are still misunderstood, hidden and unacknowledged by mainstream society.
“As a mother of a young daughter I want her to grow up in a world of gender equality and zero tolerance of violence against women. I was at primary school when the original Zero Tolerance initiative was launched over 25 years ago and I still remember the impact of the original campaign; it really shifted my mindset about things that were normalised that shouldn’t be.” Alicia Bruce, Photographer
Stills Gallery
23 Cockburn Street
3 Sep 2018 – 9 Sep 2018
Daily: 11:00 – 18:00

Picture developed in collaboration with People First (Scotland). Margaret, Member of People First (Scotland) Women’s Group. Disabled women are twice as likely to experience mens’ violence as non-disabled women. 73% of disabled women have experienced domestic abuse.

Picture developed in collaboration with Shakti Women’s Aid & Rape Crisis. In the picture: Mridul Wadhwa. 83% of trans women have experienced hate crime at some point in their lives; like all women, trans women also experience domestic abuse, sexual violence and other forms of violence against women.