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Helen’s Heroine – Aïda Muluneh

By 20th July 2018March 10th, 2021No Comments

From the Archive

Helen Pankhurst’s heroine is Aïda Muluneh – who’s yours?

As the first week of Hundred Heroines comes to a close, we can reveal Helen Pankhurst’s nomination and, not surprisingly, she’s chosen a wonderful Ethiopian photographer – Aïda Muluneh.

Thanks to Max Robinson FRPS, Aïda shares her work and a few words about our campaign here:

Known for her vibrant colours, Aïda is one of Africa’s leading photographers.  Her work is held in Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art, Hood Museum and the Museum of Biblical Art in the United State.  Her awards include the European Union Prize in the Rencontres Africaines de la Photographie, in Bamako, Mali (2007) and the CRAF International Award of Photography in Spilimbergo, Italy (2010).

As well as being an outstanding photographer, Aïda is a strong contender for one of the Harker medals through her tireless and heroinic work in Ethiopia, particularly as the founder of DESTA (Developing and Educating Societies Through the Arts), which aims to “utilize culture and art to create self-sustainable opportunities to promote development in Ethiopia.”

Some of Aïda’s images are currently being shown as part of I love Africa, Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo.

Image © Aïda Muluneh