Week 37: Notes
Compare the film programme from week 16 with the programme from week 36. The 20 weeks between them include the beginning of the first lockdown and the battle against the second wave of the Covi19 pandemic, between the The Isolation Experiment and Reality Check. During this time we had to become accustomed to a new routine in our daily lives, to being confined to home, to social distancing and reduced economic, social and cultural opportunities. At the beginning of yet another lockdown an open call was answered with 11 films. Photo films, mini feature films, documentary films, or more experimental ones and a horror movie were sent. These films, some thoughtful, some melancholic others playful or more optimistic make this interesting programme another stock taking of our present situation.
Katherine Riley
Gap Year, 2:20
Source: Watch on YouTube
Amina Handke
I Want To Be A Person Like Somebody Else Was Once, 4:58
Title of film is also the subtitle
Source: Watch on YouTube
Adele Mary Reed
Instant Dreamscapes in Isolation, 3:58
Source: Watch on Vimeo
Vivian Ostrovsky
AtmoSphere, 1:40
Source: Watch on Vimeo
Kim Thornton
Stay Alert, 3:33
Source: Watch on Vimeo
Léda Doyon
An Ode to 2020, 2:45
Source: Watch on YouTube
Roberta Mangini Glisson
In Time and Tide, 3:25
Source: Watch on YouTube
Chloe Vaughan
Slipped Mask, 2:45
Source: Watch on YouTube
Jacek Sosnowski and Gabriel Mestre Arrioja
Psychedelic Transfer of Knowledge, 3:38
Source: Watch on YouTube
Tim Sharp
Upside Down and Round and Round, 4:28
Source: Watch on Vimeo
Leih Sugai
Uzu; 0:45
Source: Watch on Vimeo