Bootcamp was held in January 2022, a free two-week online programme with Hundred Heroines, the only UK charity dedicated to women and photography. It offered ‘an invaluable opportunity for participants to contribute to raising the profile of women in photography, develop new skills and the chance to be creative’.
So, we came together from Canada, Paris, London, Brighton, Blackpool, Cornwall, Oxford and Chippenham. It was supportive, gentle, open; it was listening and learning. It was feminist leadership. A collective was born. And this is the product of that online shared space.
We have since shared images of bodies; of broken bones, family archives; intimate moments, flowers; the fields we tend, and other women, dancing or still, taking up room.
We may never meet, or share space and time, but we have produced magic. Sharing our own communities, worlds, practise, art.
This is women and photography.
This is our silent protest.
Visit our online galleries
Click on the thumbnail below to visit the photographers’ galleries. In each gallery click on the individual images for titles, captions and credits. Navigate the galleries using the left and right buttons on the side of the screen or use the thumbnails at the bottom of the slider.
Scroll down each page to see more information about the exhibition and links to the photographers websites and or social media