The Center for Global Women’s Health Technologies at Duke University (Durham, North Carolina) has developed a novel instrument, the Callascope, for self-imaging of the inner vagina and the cervix. The Callascope, designed by women for women, enables for the first time, a woman to comfortably and easily explore her own anatomy in the privacy of her home.
It is hard to imagine a world of gender parity in leadership when women lack access to reproductive rights and freedom. Our female-led group of engineers, physicians, historians, humanists, global health researchers, and artists developed The Calla Campaign to reframe women’s reproductive health through a self-exploration project that educates and empowers women about their own reproductive anatomy and shares findings with the public via a series of art exhibits to raise awareness and promote dialogue.
This call is for everyone interested in creating work around the theme in any medium. If interested, email Libby Dotson at by November 1st.