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A warm welcome to …

By 30th June 2024July 5th, 2024No Comments

… our new work experience recruits!


This week, we’re thrilled to welcome you on your journey into the fascinating world of the archive.

From scanning negatives to uncovering stories behind the photos we hold, as the curators of tomorrow, you’ll experience different aspects of working behind the scenes in a museum.  And you’ll be lending a hand in choosing images for a special project coming up later this year, as well as identifying some of the quirky tools used in analogue photography.

We’re excited to see where your journey takes you …

The featured image is a bulk film loader, used by photographers to cut down costs of film by buying large reels instead of pre-loaded cartridges.  The photographer loads individual canisters according to the number of exposures she wants – it might be just 12 to test out a new camera or for a small project, where she wants to develop the film quite quickly after the event without waiting for the film to be full.