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Bad Camouflage after Elina Brotherus. Targeted Grazing © Deborah Roberts

Calling young photographers in Gloucestershire …

Take on the challenge this summer and unleash your inner Fluxus artist!

The Fluxus movement, known for its event scores – artist instructions for others – is coming to Nailsworth.  We’ve chosen six captivating scores from Playground, a collection of prompts from critically acclaimed photographer Elina Brotherus, the queen of the event score, as inspiration for new work.

We’re inviting local photographers (under the age of 25) to respond to the instructions and offer their own interpretations on the themes.  Our favourite images will be exhibited in A State of Flux, curated by HH Ambassador and award-winning photographer, Rita Long, in The Settings Gallery (Three Storeys) at the end of August.

 As they say about Fluxus, challenge the status quo and join the playful rebellion!

Six Event Scores

  • Elina Brotherus, Bad Camouflage, 2016. After Elina Brotherus, Bad Camouflage, 2016. The original is available to view on Artsy.
  • Elina Brotherus, Disobedience, 2018. After VALIE EXPORT: Stand Up, Sit Down, 1989. In collaboration with VALIE EXPORT. View original here.
  • Elina Brotherus, Black Suitcase – White Objects, 2016. After George Brecht, Suitcase – Black Suitcase – White Objects, 1962. The original is available to view on Artsy.
  • Elina Brotherus, Fill With Own Imagination, 2017. After Arthur Köpcke, from Reading-Work-Pieces, Piece No 10, 1966.  This work will be on display from 1st August.
  • Elina Brotherus, Dress a Dog with a Beard, 2017. After John Baldessari, Dress a dog or a cow with a beard, from Thirty-Nine Journal Entries, 1970. View original here.
  • Elina Brotherus, John Cage’s Words Out of Joseph Beuys’ Hat, 2017. After Tristan Tzara: Manifesto on feeble love and bitter love, 1920.

To make a dadaist poem

  • Take a newspaper
  • Take a pair of scissors
  • Choose an article as long as you are planning to make your poem
  • Cut out the article
  • then cut each of the words that make up this article and put them in a bag
  • Shake it gently
  • Then take out the scraps one aft era other in the order in which they left the bag
  • Copy conscientioulsy
  • The poem will be like you

This series keeps me curious, takes me to new territories, and lets me make discoveries, while continuing to do what I know best

Elina Brotheruson Playground

How to get Involved


By submitting your work for the exhibition, you accept the terms and conditions:

  • You are under 25
  • You live within a 30 mile radius of Nailsworth
  • The copyright remains with you
  • You give permission  to use your images on the Hundred Heroines website, social media channels and newsletter

A State of Flux 

Group show curated by Rita Long

27th August – 1st September
The Settings Gallery
Three Storeys
Old Bristol Road

Opening times can be found on the Three Storeys website